Agricultural rewilding
Smith et al (2024) The future of animal rewilding in agricultural landscapes |
Translocation Continuum Framework
Wilson et al (2024) The Translocation Continuum Framework for context-specific decision-making |
Everybody needs good neighbours
Wilson et al (2024) Everybody needs good neighbours: movement, habitat use, and conspecific association in a reintroduced mesopredator |
Reintroduction biology of the eastern quoll
Wilson (2023) Reintroduction biology of the eastern quoll. Doctoral thesis, The Australian National University, Canberra |
Havens as a pathway
Read et al (2023) Havens are a pathway, not an endpoint, for species recovery: a response to Woinarski et al (2023). Biological Conservation, 285: 110212 |
Trends in translocations
Evans et al (2023) Trends in animal translocation research. Ecography, e06528 |
Roadmap to recovery
Wilson et al (2022) Roadmap to recovery revealed through the reintroduction of an IUCN Red List species. Biodiversity and Conservation, 32: pp 227–248 |
Reintroductions and the IUCN Red List
Evans et al (2022) Reintroduction biology and the IUCN Red List: The dominance of species of Least Concern in the peer-reviewed literature. Global Ecology and Conservation, 38: e02242 |
Coexistence conservation
Evans et al (2022) Coexistence conservation: reconciling threatened species and invasive predators through adaptive ecological and evolutionary approaches. Conservation Science and Practice, 4(7): e12742 |
Eastern quoll personality
Wilson et al (2022) Personality and plasticity predict post-release performance in a reintroduced mesopredator. Animal Behaviour, 187: pp 177–189 |
IUCN eastern quoll case study
Wilson et al (2021) Reintroduction of the eastern quoll to Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary, Australia, using trials, tactics, and adaptive management. In Soorae, IUCN global conservation translocation perspectives 2021, pp 194–199 |
Adapting reintroduction tactics
Wilson et al (2020) Adapting reintroduction tactics in successive trials increases the likelihood of establishment for an endangered carnivore in a fenced sanctuary. PLOS One, 15(6): e0234455 |
Eastern quoll health
Portas et al (2020) Baseline health and disease assessment of founder eastern quolls during a conservation translocation to mainland Australia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 56(3): pp 1–14 |
Leopard seal dynamics
Wilson (2013) Investigating the spatial behaviour of leopard seals in relation to Antarctic pack-ice dynamics. Honours thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney |